
Monthly Archives: November 2012

A moustache used to bear the sign of power and prowess, inducing respect from those around you. Take this man for instance. Lord Kitchener and his moustache could have persuaded the Julian Assangee of the era to go to war! However over the last 10 to 20 years the moustache has been associated with laziness and  creepiness, not quite a warming beard or a sharp clean shave but that weird something in between.

However things are beginning to change particularly in the month of November or as it is called amongst many social circles these days, Movember.

Now, at the beginning of November men or MoBros as they are called have a clean shave, then will their testosterone to take over and battle embarrassments to produce an awesome moustache. This simple task of sporting a moustache is helping raise awareness and money for cancer studies and particularly Testicular and Prostate cancer.

Having only recently been able to grow a beard I found it hard to let go, especially with the added stigma of my girlfriend saying I look like a frog without one! However after the initial shave and the cold it brought with it I started to enjoy my sleek new look. Now however the moustache is starting to take shape and where in the past I may have found myself looking down at the floor with such an affliction, I look up and notice fellow MoBros and their moustaches of all shapes and sizes and I hold my head high as I stroll into Pret and order a soya skinny latte with chocolate sprinkles in my most manly of voices!

Jokes aside I think this is a fantastic movement as the more the issue is in the public sphere and people know about symptoms and treatments, the more people will feel less embarrassed and seek treatment sooner. Personally i would like to encourage anyone to take part and make a donation, small or big to help this great cause! Anyone can take part, MoSistas included so no excuses!

Thank you to those who have already sponsored me and if you would like to, please find my movember page on the link below:

Happy Movember,
